Search Results
Ohio State Highway Patrol making sure drivers get home safely
Ohio State Highway Patrol urges drivers to designate a driver during “Drinksgiving”
Ohio State Highway Patrol encourages drivers, families to prepare for school bus safety
Plan to also get home safely, law enforcement says.
Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers and cruisers get new cameras in Findlay district
Ohio State Highway Patrol focusing on motorcycle safety as summer approaches
Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers on lookout for holiday speeders, higher traffic volume
Ohio State Highway Patrol steps up enforcement as drivers return from Thanksgiving celebrations
Ohio State Highway Patrol are stepping up enforcement across the state for Super Bowl weekend
OSHP on patrol to crack down on New Year's drunk drivers
#MoveOver: Highway Patrol Rolls Out Social Push to Save Lives
Ohio State Highway Patrol steps up patrols for holiday travel season